Music Writing/Performing |
Here is detail about my music performing. Click here for detail about my music writing.
I also started performing while in the Navy, sometimes at the fleet club in Pearl Harbor and also in some of the foreign ports the ship put in to while we were on cruise. A few of us aboard ship performed in Hong Kong while we were there, and we joined up with a local group while in the Philippeans to perform there. We also would set up on one of the upper decks and play while the ship was at sea and after our duties were completed. Even some of the officers came up to listen.
After my discharge from active duty in 1976, I started doing solo work in small venues. This occasionally led to gigs with a few bands in the SW metro area of Minneapolis. Because I was also working full time and building a career, these gigs were more for fun than for serious promotion of my talents. The music we performed was always oldies, usually soft rock, folk or country.